Custom Keynote Addresses Guaranteed to Inspire Excellence.

An artfully crafted and passionately delivered talk can be a game changer. Whether you are looking to inspire your team, set the right tone for a conference, or spark some innovative thinking, Higher Ground Consulting can create a customized address to achieve your goals.

custom keynote address

Story filled, humorous and relevant talks are extracted from Darrell’s wealth of experiences. He easily and masterfully creates a genuine connection with audiences of all sizes using powerful word pictures and metaphors that resonate and inspire.

With over 30 years of experience with organizations of all kinds, he carefully researches and customizes inspiring, challenging and motivating content that is specific and targeted to your situation and your audience.

“At times, I thought you were talking to me and that we were engaged in this conversation. I know I can use that back at work and that this will help me.”
Ed, Higher Ground Keynote Attendee
“Everyone kept saying; ‘We want more!”
Amanda, Higher Ground Keynote Attendee

Sample Talks

The sample talks below were designed for a specific audience. The content can be customized for your audience and we can provide perspective to specific challenges you are facing. Or, build your own talk by having us design and deliver a message on content of your choosing.

To get a feel for some of the content click on the links below.

  • Resilience – Navigate change, risk, volatility and uncertainty
  • Overcoming Team Dysfunction
  • Influence – Become more compelling and persuasive
  • MAKE IT STOP! Reduce the trauma and drama of too much on your plate
  • Time will tell – Maximizing four generations in the workplace
  • Think like a CEO – Perspectives from the C-suite
  • ExZit the Zombie Zone – Get balanced and avoid burnout
  • Thinking Patterns Impact Performance and Effectiveness (most requested talk four years in a row)

Schedule a conversation today about a keynote address.

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